Egyptian activist post full frontal nude photo online risking her life and creating chaos among Muslims

Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, a 20-year old university student from Cairo, has created outrage in the Middle East with the controversial full-length nude image, posted on her blog last week.

She has wear nothing except a pair of stockings, red ribbon in her hair and a pair of flat red shoes. But this isn't any publicity stunt or art of photography.It is a bold and potentially dangerous statement of freedom of expression by feminist Egyptian activist. 

It has since received 1.5 million hits and thousands flooded the site with insults. Some denounced Elmahdy as a 'prostitute' and 'mentally sick' or urged police to arrest her.

Elmahdy's posting is almost unheard of in a country where nudity is strongly frowned upon - even as an art form and could lead to her being jailed.